Friday, September 21, 2012

Demotic Dictionary

This came out of an awesome project to catalog everyday Ancient Egyptian language. Most of this writing that was sourced for these works is from the Greco-Roman period and not from the earlier periods. (I am currently wondering how much influence these writings might have from Greek and/or Latin or other languages at this point in history. Still, it is well worth checking out.

The Chicago Demotic Dictionary.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Some calm and much needed rest

The festival is done and I can get back to posting here with some sort of regularity. I was at Greater Pittsburgh Pagan Pride selling some of my beautiful wares. I am hoping to have my Etsy shop updated soon with all the items that I still have. That is another matter though. For now here are some pictures of my table from the event. Much of my art is Egyptian and I hope to have some of the next posts describe the purpose of some of these items. Just a short post today because I am still in need of rest after Saturday.


Me and all the Egyptian stuff.